
straightened hair,
pointed shoes
made up

deny self, don’t
desire to be
for colour
is invisible

I am good at that
no wait -
I was good at that.
but I am good at that?

time bends,
was I here?
or am I there?
in this swirl of
somatic memory

I am losing me

admonishment of self
for experiencing such
simple delight,
time to put away
childish things

time to be serious,
responsibly dull,
is currency for
manipulating power

conformity eludes
my odd edges,
sentences me
deep into hiding


silence desire
and it cannot
cannot reveal
hidden depravity

silence creativity
do not let your voice
disturb the despot
nor ruin their
comfortable sleep

silence appetite
body fades away
I am no longer
taking up
precious space

silence the mind
do not usurp
their authority,
feign ignorance to
venerate stupidity

I am (nearly) lost

there was a before,
and now
an after
a hazy mirror
of the before

the echoes of
awaken networks
of memory
of ways to be

I must disappear

I do not feel safe
to be, not yet.
And yet,
the danger is not
here, just there

I turned pages
of my calendar,
whole years passed,
and still,
my body remembered

time has not healed

existence was unsafe
oppressive superstition
made others master
over my body and mind

I split into two,
a nonchalant drift
into entropy
I grasp for solid ground

I will not lose myself again

Mother Tongue

Love is the universal 
mother tongue
a language we were
born to speak

but some police with hatred,
disguising fear,
believe that love is a scarce

Fear peddles empty promises
loaning out power
while tying a millstone around
hapless borrowers

it tempts the ones with privilege,
who sacrificed belonging
on the altar of conformity;
the ubiquitous unseen

tho they hunger deeply
for love,
and to be known,
they remain starved by fear.

Fame is a smooth talker
selling acrimonious infatuation
as a holy surrogate,
they buy into its cowardly sham

they seek to find the ‘other’,
strip them of humanity
to wage their ‘holy war’
against the very name they claim.

Love never fails

Fear decimates it’s forces
undone by the cavernous divide
of power, spewing sermons
of hate, polarising the masses.

But Love,
the great equaliser,
where fear seeks to divide

This tidal wave of love
swells, the fierce resistance rising up
engulfing apathy
to leave healing justice in its wake

Love never fails